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Friday, March 29, 2013


A Stampede of Carniverbs: Answers
1. to score two under-par on a golf hole [5] eagle
2. to outwit by cunning [3] fox
3. complain [6] grouse
4. to defraud by cheating or swindling [4] rook
5. to strike with great force; move quickly [3] ram
6. to advance a baserunner [3] bat
7. to harass or annoy persistently [6] badger
8. to offer for sale by calling out in the street [4] hawk
9. show off [7] peacock
10. to give way; falter; recoil in fear [5] quail
11. to become silent [4 + up] clam up
12. to give birth to; to produce as yield [4] bear
13. to extend like the spokes of a bicycle wheel [3] ray
14. equivocate; to evade an obligation [6 + out] weasel out
15. to chatter [3] yak
16. engage in sycophancy [4 + y] toady
17. to show affection; to court favor by flattery [4] fawn
18. to eat greedily; devour [4] wolf
19. to eat greedily [3 + out] pig out
20. to stand or move with legs and arms extended [spread + 5] spread eagle
21. to foul up; snarl [5 + up] louse up
22. deceive; take advantage of [4] gull
23. spy on [4] stag
24. to store away for future use [8 + away] squirrel away
25. to make secure against leakage or passage [4] seal
26. to devour greedily; despoil [5] raven
27. to shoot at exposed individuals from a concealed vantage point [5] snipe
28. to get something from or live on another by imposing on their hospitality or generosity [6] sponge
29. to search or move stealthily or slowly; to toy with roughly [5] mouse
30. to repeat by rote [6] parrot
31. to destroy the courage or resolve of; intimidate [3] cow
32. fail to do one's best; goldbrick [3 + it] dog it
33. to repeat monotonously [6] cuckoo
34. to seek something by roundabout means (as a compliment) [4] fish
35. avoid; evade [4] duck
36. to accept without question, protest or resentment [7] swallow
37. to betray, desert or inform on one's associate; work as a scab [3] rat
38. to bake in a sauce usually covered with seasoned bread crumbs [7] scallop
39. to gather hastily (archaic) [5] shark
40. to act on with violence [4] bull
41. bother; annoy [3] bug
42. to find fault; querulously complain [4] carp
43. to bring an anchor up for securing in place [3] cat
44. to lose one's nerve [7 +/- out] chicken out
45. shoot a three on a par four [4 + ie] birdie
46. exultantly boast, gloat or brag [4] crow
47. to draw back in preparation to throw [4] cock
48. to wink; flutter [3] bat
49. to copy closely, but ineptly [3] ape
50. to scurry [6] beetle
51. to project; jut [6] beetle
52. to bewilder; baffle [7] buffalo
53. throw (a steer) by seizing the horns and twisting the neck [7] bulldog
54. to leave abruptly [4] pike
55. to alight on a elevated resting spot [5] perch
56. to move slowly or lazily [5] snail
57. to poke between the buttocks [5] goose
58. move, proceed or act ineffectually and clumsily; thrash about [8] flounder
59. to force out of hiding; flush out [6] ferret
60. to settle payment of an account; pay up [4 + up] pony up
61. to act mischievously [6] monkey
62. to treat as an object of great importance [4 + ize] lionize
63. to move by brute force [5] horse
64. to take in excess of one's due [3] hog
65. strut; swagger [4] cock
66. to increase the power, intensity, speed or amount of [5] goose
67. to set in motion; foment; disperse [3] sow
68. to proceed insinuously or deviously [4] worm
69. to move sinuously and silently [5] snake
70. defeat; shut out in a game [5] skunk
71. to plant a concealed microphone [3] bug
72. to tear up or shred into bits by machine [3] hog
73. to hunt or track like a hound [3] dog
74. to make sullen or sour; complain peevishly [4] crab
75. attend a party without a companion [4] stag
76. to drive or affect by persistent harassing [5] hound
77. to pierce [4] pike
78. to find fault incessantly [3] nag
79. to fool with fast boastful talk [4] bull
80. to search for a sexual mate [3 + around] cat around
81. to escape from [3] fly
82. to stretch the neck for a better look [5] crane
83. to draw blood [5] leech
84. to punch [4] slug
85. issue a low, animal noise [5] grunt
86. to go against; resist [4] buck
87. to capsize [6] turtle
88. to complain bitterly [4] rail
89. to cry like a cat [3] mew
90. to engage in pranks [4] lark
91. to allow [6] permit
92. shoot the breeze [4] chat
93. to glide on ice [5] skate
94. to blacken on a grill [4] char
95. to bore a hole [5] drill
96. to file in a small compartment [6 + hole] pigeonhole
97. to head directly towards [3 + line] beeline
98. to verbally harass a husband [3 + peck] henpeck
99. to walk across the street illegally [3 + walk] jaywalk
100. to run quickly [4] hare


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